
Makefile 是個很古老的東西,可以把很多東西自動化,以前用來 compile 需要編譯的語言,但是做為自動化的語意,是十分優雅的,這邊我們把之前有用到的套件,利用 Makefile 將他自動化


make <target>


PKG_FILES := $(shell ls requirements/*.txt)

build:                          ## Build this project as pip wheel
	rm -rf dist/*
	python bdist_wheel
.PHONY: build

dev-install: build              ## Install current code into venv
	pip install -U dist/*.whl

pip:                            ## Recompile and install all pip packages
	pip-compile requirements/
	pip-compile --generate-hashes requirements/
	pip-compile --generate-hashes requirements/
	pip-sync $(PKG_FILES)
.PHONY: pip

test: dev-install               ## Run test only
	pytest tests
.PHONY: test

typecheck:                      ## Run typechecking
	python -m mypy --show-error-codes --pretty src
.PHONY: typecheck

lint:                           ## Run linting
	python -m black --check .
	python -m isort -c .
	python -m flake8 .
	python -m pydocstyle .
.PHONY: lint

ci: typecheck lint test         ## Run all checks (test, lint, typecheck)
.PHONY: ci

	tox -p all
.PHONY: tox

lint-fix:                       ## Run autoformatters
	python -m black .
	python -m isort .
.PHONY: lint-fix

push:                           ## Push code with tags
	git push && git push --tags

help: Makefile                  ## Show Makefile help
	@echo "Below shows Makefile targets"
	@grep -E '(^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?##.*$$)|(^##)' Makefile | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[32m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}' | sed -e 's/\[32m##/[33m/'