GIN What is it GIN 是一種 INDEX 可以幫助加速全文搜索的速度
GIN stands for Generalized Inverted Index. GIN is designed for handling cases where the items to be indexed are composite values, and the queries to be handled by the index need to search for element values that appear within the composite items. For example, the items could be documents, and the queries could be searches for documents containing specific words.
Normal SQL 在傳統 SQL 下可以用以下幾個步驟完成建立 GIN INDEX
實做一個可以寄信的 gRPC Proto 寫一個寄發信件服務所需要的資料格式 Proto 是一個文件用來儲存 gRPC server 與 client 交換資料時鎖需要的資料格式,建議可以看看它與 JSON 的對照表來迅速了解需要怎樣寫
syntax = "proto3"; // use proto version 3 package pb; // package name /* Add the Send function for use / service Mail{ rpc Send (MailRequest) returns (MailStatus) {} } / Declare what data you need to let server know and server will use it to send a mail / message MailRequest{ string from = 1; repeated string to = 2; repeated string cc = 3; string subject = 4; string body = 5; string type = 6; } / Means what the mail status be send or not */ message MailStatus{ int32 status = 1; string code = 2; } 產生 golang 的程式 go get -u github.