Issue description

Django Channels 對於不存在的路徑存取,全部會拋出錯誤,而不是一般性的警告處理,所以如果和我一樣在 Djangoo Channels 有裝上 Sentry ,而且伺服器在被惡意嘗試路徑時就會看到一堆 ValueError: No route found for path '...'. 的錯誤資訊,好處是知道被打了,壞處就是會噴錢(如果不是自己 Hosting)。

Fix it

Make HandleRouteNotFoundMiddleware for this issue

from datetime import datetime
from logging import getLogger
from django.urls.exceptions import Resolver404

logger = getLogger(__file__)

class HandleRouteNotFoundMiddleware:

    def __init__(self, inner):
        self.inner = inner

    def __call__(self, scope):
            inner_instance = self.inner(scope)
            return inner_instance
        except (Resolver404, ValueError) as e:
            if 'No route found for path' not in str(e) and \
               scope["type"] not in ['http', 'websocket']:
                raise e

                f'{} - {e} - {scope}'

            if scope["type"] == "http":
                return self.handle_http_route_error
            elif scope["type"] == "websocket":
                return self.handle_ws_route_error

    async def handle_ws_route_error(self, receive, send):
        await send({"type": "websocket.close"})

    async def handle_http_route_error(self, receive, send):
        await send({
            "type": "http.response.start",
                    "status": 404,
                    "headers": {},
        await send({
            "type": "http.response.body",
            "body": "",
            "more_body": "",


from core.middleware import HandleRouteNotFoundMiddleware

application = ProtocolTypeRouter({
    'websocket': AuthMiddlewareStack(
    'channel': router,
    'http': HandleRouteNotFoundMiddleware(

How it works


首先我們看到在 Django Channels 我們使用的 Router,可以看到在 __init__ 時把我們對應表放進去,在被 Call 時直接把 scope 塞到對應的 Instance 一樣是執行該 Instance__call__ (或是該物件已經是 Function 可以直接執行)

class ProtocolTypeRouter:
    Takes a mapping of protocol type names to other Application instances,
    and dispatches to the right one based on protocol name (or raises an error)

    def __init__(self, application_mapping):
        self.application_mapping = application_mapping
        if "http" not in self.application_mapping:
            self.application_mapping["http"] = AsgiHandler

    def __call__(self, scope):
        if scope["type"] in self.application_mapping:
            return self.application_mapping[scope["type"]](scope)
            raise ValueError("No application configured for scope type %r" % scope["type"])


依照上面所述說的,我們常在 Protocol 對應裡面放入 URLRouter 所以我們這裡就只要看 ___call__ 就好了,可以看到在最後 else 的部份,會拋出兩個錯誤,也是我們這次主要要修正的問題。

class URLRouter:
    Routes to different applications/consumers based on the URL path.

    Works with anything that has a ``path`` key, but intended for WebSocket
    and HTTP. Uses Django's django.conf.urls objects for resolution -
    url() or path().
	# ...

    def __call__(self, scope):
        # Get the path
        path = scope.get("path_remaining", scope.get("path", None))
        if path is None:
            raise ValueError("No 'path' key in connection scope, cannot route URLs")
        # Remove leading / to match Django's handling
        path = path.lstrip("/")
        # Run through the routes we have until one matches
        for route in self.routes:
                match = route_pattern_match(route, path)
                if match:
                    new_path, args, kwargs = match
                    # Add args or kwargs into the scope
                    outer = scope.get("url_route", {})
                    return route.callback(dict(
                            "args": outer.get("args", ()) + args,
                            "kwargs": {**outer.get("kwargs", {}), **kwargs},
            except Resolver404 as e:
            if "path_remaining" in scope:
                raise Resolver404("No route found for path %r." % path)
            # We are the outermost URLRouter
            raise ValueError("No route found for path %r." % path)


我們要想辦法在 ProtocolTypeRouter 呼叫 URLRouter 前,想辦法抓住這個錯誤,回傳正確找不到路徑的回傳,並且寫下 Log,為此,我們參考 Django ChannelsMiddleware ,它通常被包在 URLRouter 外層,在 consumer 前後處理 scope,並參考其實做方法,最後自己刻一個專門處理此問題的 Middleware

How Django Channels middlewares work

首先我們可以看到 Django ChannelsBaseMiddleware__init__ 時,只是把它傳來的值放進 inner 這個變數,在被呼叫時 (__call__) 回傳一個可以接受 receivesend 的異步函數,這個函數會在連線近來時被建立,且將 receivesend 被丟入 epoll 監聽的事件內,供異步伺服器和 client 溝通。

class BaseMiddleware:

    def __init__(self, inner):
        Middleware constructor - just takes inner application.
        self.inner = inner

    def __call__(self, scope):
        ASGI constructor; can insert things into the scope, but not
        run asynchronous code.
        # Copy scope to stop changes going upstream
        scope = dict(scope)
        # Allow subclasses to change the scope
        # Call the inner application's init
        inner_instance = self.inner(scope)
        # Partially bind it to our coroutine entrypoint along with the scope
        return partial(self.coroutine_call, inner_instance, scope)

    async def coroutine_call(self, inner_instance, scope, receive, send):
        ASGI coroutine; where we can resolve items in the scope
        (but you can't modify it at the top level here!)
        await self.resolve_scope(scope)
        await inner_instance(receive, send)


以上程式我也回在 GitHub issue 上,有任何更好的建議也希望您能發出來,幫助大家。