What is it

GIN 是一種 INDEX 可以幫助加速全文搜索的速度

GIN stands for Generalized Inverted Index. GIN is designed for handling cases where the items to be indexed are composite values, and the queries to be handled by the index need to search for element values that appear within the composite items. For example, the items could be documents, and the queries could be searches for documents containing specific words.

Normal SQL

在傳統 SQL 下可以用以下幾個步驟完成建立 GIN INDEX

  • Install gin extension
  • Create index for table’s column
    CREATE INDEX <index_name>
        ON <schema_name>.<table_name> USING gin
        TABLESPACE pg_default;

Special type

但是如果你是特殊的欄位,例如:varchar、text,此時你就必須要給它特定的 operator 才能建立

Create GIN INDEX for varchar column
  • Use gin_trgm_ops as operator
CREATE INDEX <index_name>
    ON <schema_name>.<table_name> USING gin
    (<column_name COLLATE pg_catalog."default" gin_trgm_ops)
    TABLESPACE pg_default;
Or, you can set gin_trgm_ops as default
  • Set default operator class
UPDATE pg_opclass SET opcdefault = true WHERE opcname='gin_trgm_ops';
  • Create the index like other types of column
CREATE INDEX <index_name>
    ON <schema_name>.<table_name> USING gin
    TABLESPACE pg_default;

Use Django Postgres contribution library

對於 PostgreSQL 有較完善的 Django 對於 GIN INDEX 也是有支援的,所以你可以在 直接使用它

from django.db import models
from django.contrib.postgres.fields import JSONField
from django.contrib.postgres.indexes import GinIndex

class Post(models.Model):
    content_segment = JSONField(default=list)

    class Meta:
        indexes = [GinIndex(fields=['content_segment'])]

The char field in Django

在 Django 中 Char、Text 等 varchar 類型的欄位要使用 GIN 和原生 SQL 一樣需要去設定需要使用的 operator, 產出 migration file, 並且 migrate 以後你應該會看到類似下面的錯誤

ERROR: data type character varying has no default operator class for access method "gin"

我們很簡單的可以在 Add Index 前加上設定 default operator 去 by pass

import django.contrib.postgres.indexes
from django.db import migrations, models

class Migration(migrations.Migration):

    dependencies = [
        ('posts', '....'),

    operations = [
            "UPDATE pg_opclass SET opcdefault = true WHERE opcname='gin_trgm_ops';",
            index=django.contrib.postgres.indexes.GinIndex(fields=['title'], name='posts_po_title_374d31_gin'),


django.db.utils.ProgrammingError: operator class "gin_trgm_ops" does not exist for access method "gin"

表示你家的 PostgreSQL 沒有安裝 GIN 的套件,這很簡單,只需要改改 migration file 就好

import django.contrib.postgres.indexes
from django.db import migrations, models

class Migration(migrations.Migration):

    dependencies = [
        ('posts', '....'),

    operations = [
            "CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm;",
            "UPDATE pg_opclass SET opcdefault = true WHERE opcname='gin_trgm_ops';"
            index=django.contrib.postgres.indexes.GinIndex(fields=['title'], name='posts_po_title_374d31_gin'),

再次 migrate 相信你已經成功了

AWS RDS is secure than your local DB server

AWS RDS 預設不會給你 superuser 權限,所以你沒有辦法直接執行

UPDATE pg_opclass SET opcdefault = true WHERE opcname='gin_trgm_ops';

這會讓你在 Django migrate 時看到以下錯誤

permission denied for relation pg_opclass

Fix it

記得我們在最一開始如何使用免設定預設 operator 就產生了一個 GIN 的 index 嗎?

如法炮製我們直接把 operator 插入在 CREATE INDEX 的 SQL 就可以達到了

Source code tour

  • GINIndex forefathers 我們可以在發現 SQL statement 是由 schema_editor_create_index_sql 產生出來的
  # django/contrib/postgres/
  from django.db.models import Index

  class PostgresIndex(Index):
      # ...

  class GinIndex(PostgresIndex):
      def create_sql(self, model, schema_editor, using=''):
          statement = super().create_sql(model, schema_editor, using=' USING %s' % self.suffix)
          with_params = self.get_with_params()
          if with_params:
    ['extra'] = 'WITH (%s) %s' % (
                  ', '.join(with_params),
          return statement

  # django/db/models/
  class Index:
      def create_sql(self, model, schema_editor, using=''):
          fields = [model._meta.get_field(field_name) for field_name, _ in self.fields_orders]
          col_suffixes = [order[1] for order in self.fields_orders]
          return schema_editor._create_index_sql(
              model, fields,, using=using, db_tablespace=self.db_tablespace,
  • How schema_edit create SQL statement
  # django/db/backends/postgresql/
  from django.db.backends.base.schema import BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor

  class DatabaseSchemaEditor(BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor):
      # ...
      sql_create_index = "CREATE INDEX %(name)s ON %(table)s%(using)s (%(columns)s)%(extra)s"

  class BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor:
      def _create_index_sql(self, model, fields, *, name=None, suffix='', using='',
                            db_tablespace=None, col_suffixes=(), sql=None):
          Return the SQL statement to create the index for one or several fields.
          `sql` can be specified if the syntax differs from the standard (GIS
          indexes, ...).
          tablespace_sql = self._get_index_tablespace_sql(model, fields, db_tablespace=db_tablespace)
          columns = [field.column for field in fields]
          sql_create_index = sql or self.sql_create_index
          table = model._meta.db_table

          def create_index_name(*args, **kwargs):
              nonlocal name
              if name is None:
                  name = self._create_index_name(*args, **kwargs)
              return self.quote_name(name)

          return Statement(
              table=Table(table, self.quote_name),
              name=IndexName(table, columns, suffix, create_index_name),
              columns=Columns(table, columns, self.quote_name, col_suffixes=col_suffixes),
  • Override the create_sql
  from django.contrib.postgres.indexes import GinIndex

  class CharGinIndex(GinIndex):

      def create_sql(self, model, schema_editor, using=''):
          assert len(self.fields_orders) == 1
          original_sql = schema_editor.sql_create_index
          schema_editor.sql_create_index = 'CREATE INDEX %(name)s ON %(table)s%(using)s (%(columns)s COLLATE pg_catalog."default" gin_trgm_ops)%(extra)s'
          statement = super().create_sql(model, schema_editor, using)
          schema_editor.sql_create_index = original_sql
          return statement

我們在 create_sql 上面覆寫掉 schema_editorsql_create_index 語法,並且在呼叫完 create_sql 以後把它還原(因為一次 migrate 中 schema editor 會被重複使用,若沒有還原其他在同一次 migrate 中使用到相同 schema editor 的就會被影響)


在這邊用比較髒的方式處理了這個問題,主要是因為在 BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor 有以下方式可以更改 sql 參數就可以達到這功能,但是在 Index 類別並沒有把此參數讓我們可以丟進去,由於不會影響功能,暫時就不重複造輪子。

class BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor:
    def _create_index_sql(self, model, fields, *, name=None, suffix='', using='',
                          db_tablespace=None, col_suffixes=(), sql=None):
		# ...
        sql_create_index = sql or self.sql_create_index
		# ...